Apple is a magical fruit
Apple is considered one of the most famous and healthiest fruits on earth. The origin of this fruit is Central Asia.
Apple have a lot of fiber, vitamin C and various antioxidants. Apples consist mostly of carbohydrates and water. This fruit is rich in sugars such as fructose, sucrose and glucose. Despite being high in carbohydrates and sugar, apples have a low glycemic index (GI).
One of the properties of apples is reducing the risk of heart disease, the presence of soluble fiber in this fruit can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. Antioxidants, polyphenolic compounds, and abundant vitamin C in apples neutralize free radicals in the body, which are among the main causes of cancer and aging; Therefore, we can say that apple is anti-cancer.
Another property of apples is to help lose weight. Approximately 86% of this fruit is water. Water-rich foods are very filling, which helps reduce calorie intake. Therefore, it is considered an excellent option as a snack.
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